
I am a predoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders - Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO) based at University of Antwerp (UA), completing my PhD under the supervision of Wendy Lowen.

Research interests

Operads // Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry // Deformation Theory

My interests lie at the intersection of algebraic topology, noncommutative algebraic geometry and homotopical algebra. I study all kinds of higher structures and their deformations theories, with a main focus on applying combinatorial and homological methods. This includes operads and their variations, higher categories and prestacks, deformation complexes, Koszul duality and Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomology.

PhD project (October 2019 - Present)

under the supervision of Wendy Lowen.

“Operadic Approaches to Deforming Higher Categories and Prestacks”

I was hired as part of the ERC Project “Foundations for Higher and Curved Noncommutative Geometry” with principal investigator Wendy Lowen. Thereafter, I was awarded a 1-year umbrella grant by University of Antwerp (UA) and succesfully applied for a 4-year PreDoc grant with Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).


FWO Travel grant (2023)
FWO PreDoc grant (2021 - 2025)
UA umbrella grant (2020 - 2021)


  1. Operadic structure on the Gerstenhaber-Schack complex for prestacks, Selecta Mathematica – New Series 28 Vol 3 (2022)[Doi] [ArXiv]
    (with Hoang Dinh Van and Wendy Lowen)


  1. Box operads and higher Gerstenhaber brackets, ArXiv Preprint (2023), Submitted [ArXiv]
    (with Hoang Dinh Van and Wendy Lowen)
  2. A minimal model for prestacks via Koszul duality for box operads, ArXiv Preprint (2023), Submitted [ArXiv]
  3. A Deligne conjecture for prestacks, ArXiv Preprint (2024), Submitted [ArXiv] (with Ricardo Campos)


November 2024
Fourth International Conference on Operad Theory and Related Topics [slides]
Tianjin, China
October 2024

April 2023
Montpellier, France
May 2022
Antwerp, Belgium
February 2022
Antwerp, Belgium

Poster sessions

February 2024
Berkeley, US

February 2024
Berkeley, US

May 2023
Paris, France

Research visits

During May and June 2023 I visited Bruno Vallette at Université Paris Sorbonne Nord.

Reading groups

From spring 2019 until spring 2022, we ran a reading seminar on J. Lurie’s  Kerodon, together with  Matt Booth, Violeta Borges Marques, Francesco Genovese, Alessandro Lehmann, Arne Mertens and Piergiorgio Panero.

Since spring 2023, we are running a reading seminar on algebraic deformation theory, together with Violeta Borges Marques, Alessandro LehmannCarl Mazzanti, Arne Mertens and Julie Symons. In particular, we are reading Barmeier-Wang’s work on deformation of path algebras and quivers with relations applied to categories of coherent sheaves.


2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023
2021 - 2022
2020 - 2021
2019 - 2020


Lander Hermans
Departement Wiskunde - Faculteit Wetenschappen
Universiteit Antwerpen

Middelheimlaan 1,
2020 Antwerpen

lander dot hermans at uantwerpen dot be

my UA webpage